Brand new G&L Doheny in for the Legendary Southeast Setup
So why on earth does a brand new guitar need a setup? Well, most factories don’t have time allotted to do a final setup for every instrument that travels down the line. And even if they did, some guitars travel a long way from the plant to the player; half way around the world in this case.
When you bring your new axe to your friendly neighborhood luthier, they can take the time to bring the instrument that final mile and make it sound, feel and play its best. In this case, the player wanted it set up to play in D standard tuning with 11 gauge Stringjoy Signature strings, and for us to hand carve a new bone nut to replace the plastic one installed at the factory.
You should always have your instrument set up for the particular tuning and string gauge you prefer. Like to play in lots of tunings, with lots of different gauge strings? Well, you just may need a couple more guitars. Darn your luck!
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